Match to Flame 158

Sep 7, 2021

There are, in fact, two crossovers between Funky and Crankshaft that occur in the initial year of this collection. The first one is my all-time favorite crossover and in all modesty one of the best FunkyCrankshaft crossovers ever. It involves the Montoni’s little league team from Funky playing the Roughriders little league team from Crankshaft. The stories covered the game from both sides of the field, and when the two strips ran in the newspapers, there was one day when you saw the Montoni’s fans in Funky in the bleachers on one side—the same time that the Roughriders fans in Crankshaft were in the bleachers on the opposite side. The fact that Chuck Ayers worked on the art for both Funky and Crankshaft helped make the whole crossover process seamless. The twelve-year-old in me was, of course, thrilled. 

From the introduction to The Complete Funky Winkerbean Volume 10

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