Cartoonist Studio

Dec 8, 2010

This post is going to be short and sweet, but my plans (and you know how those go) are to be more consistent with my posting in the New Year, even though events are conspiring to make that a little more difficult. But they’re good events involving both Crankshaft and Funky about which you’ll be hearing more in the coming year. The one event I can tell you about right now is the Cartoonist Studio which is going to become the go to website for those who love comic strips. It’s a chance for a peek behind the scenes at the studios of numerous cartoonists with a lot of other fun things such as an amateur cartoonist contest. I think you’ll find yourself bookmarking it for ongoing perusal. It’s official launch will come during the holidays so check it out.

A quick word on The Lisa’s Legacy Run… the run was a blast this year. The day was beautiful, the run came off without a hitch, and a great time was had by all. The bigger crowd meant that faster runners showed up, so yours truly didn’t place this year, but I’m not complaining. A lot of money was raised for a good cause. I didn’t post any photos this time due to a camera malfunction, so I’ll just make sure I take two cameras next year.

So like I said, short and sweet, with a final wish for a joyous holiday season for all.

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