Batty Batom Bullpen – Norm Breyfogle

Jun 8, 2017

Although Norm Bryfogle has worked across the super hero spectrum, my favorite work of his was on his Batman Beyond run. It’s truly an impressive body of work. So I was thrilled when he agreed to join the Batom Bullpen and create a Starbuck Jones cover for me. The result can now be seen in the Gallery section on this site showing the Xaxians about to launch Starbuck into the sun. The death of a superhero was a common trope back in the day, so it was great to incorporate it into one of the Starbuck Jones covers, and Norm did a stellar (pun intended) job with it.

Since working with Norm, I understand he’s run into some serious health problems. So I’d just like to take this moment to wish him a speedy and complete recovery and hope that he’s soon back at the board where he so obviously belongs.

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