Match to Flame 162

Nov 3, 2021

So, I began making calculated choices that would place the work on a more real-life footing. I started to eschew naked witticism for a more natural behavioral dialog. I could still witticise as long as I buried it in the dialogue. Instead of me being witty, the characters could be witty. Again, removing my presence in the work just a bit more. I still loved my early strips, but I found I didn’t miss them. While you may fondly remember an old apartment, you wouldn’t want to move back into it. That being said, I still did have Crankshaft with his grilling mishaps and chimney fires to satisfy any need I might have to regress and blow something up. I was also beginning to outgrow my influences. So, I let them go and began to trust my own instincts more, and those instincts were pushing me to create work without the intervention of the outside world, and frankly not giving a flying fig not caring if it tried. 

From the introduction to The Complete Funky Winkerbean Volume 10

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