Akron Comicon

Nov 11, 2014


Akron Comicon

I spent this past Saturday and Sunday at the Akron Comicon and for my money there was no better way to wrap up the year’s signings. The venue was the Quaker Square complex in Akron and the setting was once again as good as it gets. There’s just something about having all the dealers and guest artists together in one big hall that seems perfect for an event like this. It’s very reminiscent of the early years of the Mid-Ohio Con, and, like that hallowed gathering, the crowds are growing with each passing year.

I had a chance to meet a lot of Funky and Crankshaft readers as well as some pros whose work I’d admired over the years. We comic artists lead a fairly hermit-like existence so the opportunities to get together and talk shop are always fun. I even had a little time to hunt down some old Captain Atom stories that I’d been looking for. So a tip of the Funky Felt Tip to Akron Comicon’s founders Michael Savene and Robert Jenkins along with all of their volunteers for putting on such a great event these past three years. I wish them continued success and find myself already looking forward to next year’s con.

The weather report says that winter will be setting in later tonight so it appears that I’m off the road just in time for my winter hibernation in the cartoon castle. The firewood is laid-in, the art supplies are stored, and it looks like I’ll have the time to dig into a slew of stories I’m planning to write along with the intro to The Complete Funky Winkerbean Vol.5. Volume 4 is wrapped and due to come out in February. Once I get the final cover in house I’ll share a sneak peek with you. For now, it’s time to fix a mug of hot chocolate, settle in by the fire and toast the arrival of the first snow flakes.

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