Another Attic Find

Aug 30, 2022

The attic cleaning gave up another find with this article from not long after the big bang in the Funkyverse. It’s a small piece that ran in the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram, the paper that ran my published my Rapping Around panel, and it’s written by my editor on that panel Shannon Jewell. You can tell that this small piece is from way back in the day when newspapers had the staff and the space to do pieces like this. It’s basically an announcement of the publication of the very first Funky paperback that was brought by Xerox for inclusion in its book club for schools.


It was certainly a thrill to have Funky collected in book form back in those early days, but I would have fallen over and died with a big smile on my face if I had been told back then that one future day there would be a collection of the complete Funky strips in beautiful hardcover books by the Kent State University Press under their Black Squirrel imprint. It’s probably the reason that it’s best to take the future one day at a time.

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