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I’ve always been attracted by the Chautauqua commitment to the idea of lifelong learning, but I never followed the thought any further than that. So when I was invited to give a talk at Lakeside Chautauqua, I was happy to be given the opportunity to check it out first hand.
The setting of the Lakeside Community on the shore of Lake Erie was as lovely a bucolic and relaxing environment as you could want. A perfect anodyne to my usual conerns about whether my tech was going to function properly or not (it didn’t, but the backup did). It pays to be a belt AND suspenders type of guy.
The Lakeside Hotel itself was a charming throwback to an earlier age, that couldn’t help but evoke the rich history of the the 150 year old community.
My presentation took place in an old orchestra hall that was as perfect a setting as you could ask for.
All in all it, was a perfect way to travel through Funky’s back pages along with some cordial companions who had made the journey with me. Needless to say, signing copies of Vol. 12 for them was gratifying as well.