Comics Book

Dec 15, 2009

As I noted in an earlier blog or two, I’ve been periodically doing tributes to some of my favorite comic books and by extension their creators in my Funky Sundays. I’ve been able to tip the Funky fedora (what’s that?) to number of my heroes so far with a few more yet to come. I do this because I love the comic book medium and the pleasure it has brought me over the years, and I want to share that feeling with my good and gentle readers because I know there’s a lot of others like me out there (I think maybe kind of).

So imagine my excitement when I came across Tony Isabella’s new book “1000 Comic Books You Must Read” (actually I went over to Tony’s house and picked it up, but that’s sort of neither here nor there, except to say that you don’t need to get me one for Christmas). It’s the mother of all mother loads of info on comics all packed in to one handsome volume. If you love comic books, or know someone who does (I’m speaking mainly to the wives here) (and, yes, I understand that that’s a broad generalization, no pun intended, but based on who I see in the Halo sewing bee at my local comics shop, generally a true one methinks) (and might I add as I approach the new world’s record for consecutive parenthetical breaks, political correctness really stinks) anyway, as I was saying… someone who loves comic books will really geek out over this cool tomb.

And did I mention that I’ve posted the book in the “Books” section of this very site you’re on? I didn’t? Well, I did. So, if you’re of a mind, please check it out. And happy… no…. merry Christmas.

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