Allen Bellman is a comic book artist who worked with Stan Lee at Timely Comics back in the Golden Age of comics. I had met him at an Akron Comicon and he and his lovely wife Roz came to a party we had at our house for the artists that year. He always comments on how clean my studio was and I always assure him that it has never been that clean before or since. At one point I asked Allen to create a cover for Atomic Komix, the little comic book company in Funky, and he graciously agreed. The cover appears in today’s Funky Sunday strip and I couldn’t have been happier with the result.
If the word gentleman didn’t exist, it would have to be invented to describe Allen. I’d highly recommend picking up a copy of his autobiography Timely Confidential – When the Golden Age of Comics was Young if you want to learn more about Allen and the golden era in which he worked.