Final Update

Oct 12, 2010

When my son was little, we used to go on guys nights out where our first destination for the evening would be Luigi’s Pizza in Akron. The place was magical and the pizza was the best. Every time we left, I left with another little bit that I would use in Montoni’s until one day I had appropriated the entire restaurant for my strip. If you ever want to visit Montoni’s, just drop by Luigi’s in Akron. It’s all there from the tiffany lamp to the bandbox over the door and right down to the nails in the floor.

And, if you want a taste of Luigi’s without going to Akron, just come to the Lisa’s Legacy Run/Walk this Sunday October 17th where Luigi’s has graciously offered to provide pizza for the runners after the race. Believe me, it alone is worth the trip. Hope to see you there.

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