Funky Sunday Finale Annotated

Dec 29, 2022

When you do a Sunday comic strip featuring seventy characters from two different features, there are going to be some questions. I get that. So to make things a little easier on myself by not having to answer a ton of individual questions, and, yet, still help the inquiring minds out there… behold the annotated guide to the last Funky Winkerbean Sunday strip. Luckily, since schools are on break, there won’t be a test. So enjoy.

1. Lillian 2. Bingo 3. Harry L. Dinkle 4. Pat 5. Nancy 6. Mary Jane 7. Ricca 8. Bonnie 9. Lois 10. Walt 11. Carl 12. Connie 13. Morton 14. Iris 15. Cathy Batiuk 16. Brian Batiuk 17. Pizza Monster 18. Mickey 19. Buck 20. Linda 21. Cindy 22. Mason 23. Emily 24. Amelia 25. Mrs. Lee 26. Rolanda 27. Chuck Ayers 28. John 29. Wally Jr. 30. Becky 31. Maddie 32. Donna 33. Crazy Harry 34. Ralph 35. George 36. Lena 37. Mary 38. Rocky 39. Andy 40. Rana 41. Max 42. Mitchell 43. Hannah 44. Jeff 45. Pam 46. Crankshaft 47. Chester 48. Darin 49. Jessica 50. Skyler 51. Flash 52. Phil 53. Ruby 54. Pete 55. Mindy 56. Batton Thomas 57. Kesha 58. Summer 59. Les 60. Cayla 61. Wally 62. Billy 63. Rachel 64. Funky 65. Holly 67. Rocky 68. Cory 69. Adeela 70. Tony

A futher note for the detail oriented, yes, when I reached the end I realized that I’d skipped the number 66. It happens. Feel free to add a favorite character of yours that I failed to include.

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