Gerry Shamray

Oct 12, 2023

I was saddened to hear about the passing of Gerry Shamray. Gerry and I had worked together on John Darling for a number of years, but we knew each other before that and we would hang out, going to concerts of artists we mutually admired like Nick Lowe and Tom Waits, and more often just talking about comics and music. When I was working on the teen pregnancy story arc in Funky, Gerry generously spent an evening with my wife Cathy and I going through strips that were spread across the living room from which we pulled four weeks from the nine or more that I had written. Pictured above is a strip pitch that Gerry and I had put together called Dick and Jane where he used himself as the model for the lead character. He was smart, witty and a talented artist. More than a friend, I was a fan. His sweet spirit will be missed.

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