Jim Mooney

May 13, 2008

As many of you already know, I was in a car accident recently and the recovery process has hampered my ability to stay on top of some things… these blogs being one of them. One of the things I had wanted to mention was the April 13th Sunday which showed Les and Summer as Superman and Supergirl in a reprise of the cover for Action Comics 252. When the strip was about to be penciled, I had called Jim Mooney who had been the Supergirl artist supreme for most of the early run and asked him if he would like to recreate that cover for me. Even though he hadn’t actually done that original cover, Jim agreed to step in and reprise his old characters. The result speaks for itself and if you’d like to see it, it’s up in the archive section.

Sadly, Jim passed away a few weeks before the Sunday appeared in the paper. I had only known him from our phone conversations, but I had been a fan of his work when I was growing up, and had found him to be a true gentleman and a genuine pleasure to work with. It was a thrill to work with one of the legends from my youth, and to know that, quite possibly, that Funky Sunday was his last published work.

When I sold my comic collection last summer, I kept a half dozen books that had, for one reason or another, a special meaning for me. I plan to do some homages of those covers with my characters from time to time with the next one appearing on June 15th.

Finally, thanks to everyone who e-mailed about the strip being a Pulitzer finalist this year. Again, the above mentioned accident kept me from responding in a timely fashion, but I did appreciate your good wishes. You can check it out in the interview section along with a cool interview from Rambler Magazine.

And now it’s back to catching up on the strips.

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