Lisa’s Legacy Run Reminder 2

Aug 24, 2015

Medina track 2


Okay, it’s truth or dare… truth, I returned from SDCC with a really bad case of bronchitis, and, yes, just to forestall the well intentioned email advice, I do know there are things I can take before flying and will be taking every one of them (TWICE!) before my next flight. The airplane crud kept me from running for almost two months and so my conditioning has returned to Go without collecting two hundred dollars. I’m slowly running my way back into shape, but it looks like I’ll be running with the stragglers when the Lisa’s Legacy Run/Walk takes place. Which is fine because the LLR/W is not about looking for amazing times, but about looking for a cure for cancer. And besides, it does say run/WALK. If you want to help fight cancer you’ll find a link to the entry form in the Events section. Your T-shirt and banana will be waiting for you.

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