Lisa’s Legacy Run – Rerun

Jan 9, 2014

  • Lisa - color, bitmap Blog Art

I just wanted to put up a quick post today to say that it looks like the Lisa’s Legacy Run will be returning in 2014… in the real world that is. The run has been taking place like clockwork in the Funkyverse each Fall, but this year it will be returning to Earth Prime (better known as our favorite universe). I’d like to hold off on specific details until everything is nailed down, but suffice to say that a city in Northeast Ohio will be picking up the race and carrying on its tradition, a part of which is raising money for the Lisa’s Legacy Fund for Cancer Research and Education. If you’d like to read more about the fund that the University Hospitals of Cleveland has established, check out the Lisa’s Legacy section of this website.

As things get finalized, I’ll be filling you in on all of the when and where details, but I was too excited about this news to just keep it to myself and wanted to start getting the word out to Funky readers and runners. This doesn’t mean that we’ll be abandoning the Lisa’s Legacy Team in the Akron Marathon. I’m still going to go ahead and put a team or teams together simply because that race was such a great event to be a part of. So it’s time to hit the treadmill or the indoor track and start keeping those running muscles in shape… at least until our Ohio winter begins to thaw. There’ll be lots more later, but, for now, that’s about the size of it.

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