Pizza Monster Postscript

Nov 6, 2020

One of the fun/sad/exciting/pathetic events during my Covid houseboundedness is having a package arrive on my doorstep… especially when you can’t remember what you ordered. So, when a package showed up this past weekend, it wasn’t that unusual until I opened it and discovered that I’d gotten a T-shirt… from the PIZZA MONSTER HIMSELF! (I realize that it could be a herself, but check out the hands that’s all I’m saying).  The shirt featured a great shot of the Pizza Monster out in front of Luigi’s the pizza place he haunts/visits/bedeviles/shows-up at. I mean, seriously… how cool is that? (Very cool!)


It also included a set of Pizza Monster lyrics set to the tune of Monster Mash, so the PM has some creative chops going for him as well. Talk about life imitating art, art imitating life and back again. I have to say that I did not see that coming and I have to give a shout out to the masked boxed man for making my weekend, the next week, and probably the rest of the year! So until next Halloween when the Pizza monster signal appears in the sky…

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