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The month of September had to be the fastest in recorded history. Instead of worrying about global warming, we should be concerning ourselves with the apparent changes in the space time continuum. Or maybe it’s just me.
In any event, the Lisa’s Legacy Run Walk is almost upon us, and I just wanted to mention a couple of things in regard to it. Along with the race itself, University Hospitals is planning a health fair in conjunction with it. There will be doctors and other health care providers available to any participant who has some questions. It’s a great opportunity get some questions answered and to learn what you can do to improve your health and fitness. I’m planning to ask someone why I can’t run as fast as I used to, although I suspect I already know the answer. And, of course, I’ll be there to meet runners and walkers, sign books, and commiserate about why we can’t run as fast as we used to.
All of the information about the race along with a link to get signed-up can be found under the Lisa’s Legacy Fund section on this website. It’s a beautiful time of the year to get out and run for a worthy cause, so lace ’em up and we’ll see you there.