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I’ve been receiving a number of emails from people wondering why there’s been no mention of the Lisa’s Legacy Run this year. The short answer is that there isn’t going to be one. The longer answer is that University Hospitals wanted to get out of competing with all of the other race events held here in Northeast Ohio in the Fall and look to other and, hopefully, more unique ways to celebrate Lisa’s Legacy. It was next to impossible to find a weekend when similar and longer established races weren’t already taking place.
That being said, the Lisa’s Legacy Runs were a lot of fun and were warmly regarded by a great number of people including yours truly. Especially yours truly in fact, so I’m going to continue to hold the Lisa’s Legacy Run every Fall in Funky. It’s what Les and Summer would want and as the master of the Funkyverse I can make all competing runs go away so that only the Lisa’s Legacy Run remains. As you can see in this weeks strips, Les and Funky are training hard for next Sunday’s race. And here’s a quick peek behind the curtain… the events that transpire in the Lisa’s Legacy Run Sunday strip actually happened at last year’s race. I simply transcribed what what one of the runners told me and turned it into this year’s Sunday strip. It doesn’t get any easier or perfect than that, and I can’t think of a better reason for the Lisa’s Legacy Run to go on. Check it out.
Also, a number of readers have asked about getting copies of The Complete Funky Volume one signed for the holidays. If you can’t make it to one of the upcoming signings listed on the events page, you can email me and I’ll tell you where they can be sent so that I can sign them and get them back to you in time for Christmas. Culture for Christmas… who could ask for more? Well, maybe that and the Complete Flash Gordon Sundays by Alex Raymond with the Jungle Jim topper. Jingle Bells indeed.
For now, that’s about the size of it.