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The current story arc in Funky featuring Wally Winkerbean has raised a few questions about exactly how Funky and Wally are related. Back in the early seventies, Wally was introduce as Funky’s cousin and all we ever saw of him was his bassinet. Later, following the first time-jump, we saw Wally as a high school student and band member. Still later, he served in Afgansitan and Iraq and returned home with a severe case of PTSD. Wally was married to the high school band director, Becky, who remarried when Wally was declared missing in action. Wally is now married to Rachel a waitress at Montoni’s. Wally is still dealing with that, but with the help of his service dog Buddy, he’s moving on and about to wrap-up his college career. My dream is to one day produce a Funky family tree (or family jungle) for the website. The thing about dreams is that they don’t always come true, but I haven’t quite given up on this one just yet. Fingers crossed.