Flash Fridays – The Flash # 318 February 1988

Flash Fridays – The Flash # 318 February 1988

This is one of the better Flash issues in this part of the run primarily because it deals with one story, the unmasking of the Eradicator. Peripherally it also includes Barry/Flash’s boss Captain Frye as the bumbling Captain Invincible, but as part of the main...
Flash Fridays – The Flash # 317 January 1983

Flash Fridays – The Flash # 317 January 1983

As I sit here in my attic studio, the window is open and glancing outside as the smell of cut grass wafts in I can see that a summer afternoon is in full bloom, which to me always includes a whiff of melancholy. Back when summer vacations meant all summer long,...
Flash Fridays – The Flash #316 December 1982

Flash Fridays – The Flash #316 December 1982

This issue sports one of the oddest Flash covers of the entire run. Does it show the Flash in peril at the hands of a costumed criminal? No. Does it draw the reader in with some kind of flashy gimmick? Nope. Does it have any direct connection to the story at all?...
Flash Fridays – The Flash # 314

Flash Fridays – The Flash # 314

The return to one-and-done stories with a strong sixties vibe appears to have exited the book along with Mike Barr in his roles as editor and writer. Last issue’s wonderful homage appears to have also been a farewell to an earlier era of a beloved hero. Also...