Butter Brinkel

Butter Brinkel

Here’s a Pipeline peek at some of the art from a new story arc that I mentioned in an earlier post. It involves an old Silent film star Butter Brinkel and a Hollywood murder. I don’t often get to do a mystery story, especially one as fun as this. I wrote...
Old Hollywood.

Old Hollywood.

I thought I’d share some of my research for a story arc coming up in Funky a little later this year. Cindy Summers and Jessica Fairgood will be working on a documentary involving, as you no doubt can tell, old Hollywood. Comic strips make it a lot easier to do...
The Pipeline 2019

The Pipeline 2019

I took part in The March for Our Lives last year and ended up doing some de facto research for a brief series in Funky that begins on March 4th.
Miss American

Miss American

Another new character who will appear in Funky next year as a part of the story involving Ruby Lith, who has already made her appearance in The Pipeline.