Funky’s Fortieth

Apr 26, 2012

Things are a little crazy here in the Funkyverse as the serious book signing season gets underway. If you check out the events page, you’ll see that the San Diego Comic Con International has been added in July. The San Diego con is truly the preeminent comic con experience in the world. I was fortunate to be there a few years back and it’s only gotten bigger and better since then. I’ll be looking forward to not only geeking out in the dealers room, but to meeting Funky fans from the San Diego area and seeing if they’ve downloaded our free 4oth anniversary wallpapers. Colorist Alex Sinclair, who colored the Lion’s share of the Sundays in Lisa’s Story, will be joining me on my panel so it will be fun providing an insider’s look at how that work came about. And along with that, we’ll be taking a walk down memory lane and 4o years of life in the Funkyverse.

Speaking of which, I just wanted to thanks all of the kind and generous emails that have poured in concerning Funky’s 40th anniversary. I even heard from several students that I had in art class at Eastern Heights Junior High way back when. They all seemed to have turned out okay, so I’m not going to worry about ’em any more. It was great to hear from one and all. When I was starting out, I remember reading that Red Ryder had run for forty years and thinking I’d give a small nonessential body part to have Funky run that long. In hindsight, I probably should have made my deal with the devil for fifty. It’s as if I sat down at my drawing board, shifted into the Funkyverse, and, when I shifted back out and looked at the clock,  it was forty years later. I think there’s something seriously wrong with the space time continuum, but it will have to wait for this book touring year to be over before I can sit down and figure it out. For now, that’s about the size of it.

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