Notes from the woodshed

Jan 30, 2008

A number of readers have wanted to know when new book signings for Lisa’s Story will be scheduled. As I stated elsewhere on the site, I’m pretty much spending January and February woodshedding it so that I can get caught up to where I’m supposed to be with both Funky and Crankshaft. And while I’ve been making some progress, I’ve still got a ways to go. That being said, new signings are now being booked and as soon as they’re solid, I’ll be adding them to the events calendar.

Speaking of Lisa’s Story, I was very pleased to see that the first royalties from the book have made their way to The Lisa’s Legacy Fund. I’d just like to once again thank King Features for agreeing to contribute their share of the royalties as well, and all those readers who contributed by buying copies of the book. The fund is doing very well, and at some later date I’ll try to provide an update on the fund and surrounding events.

Once last thing regarding books. When I’m totally fried and can’t face another evening in the studio, I’ve been enjoying the long Ohio winter evenings reading the new Walt & Skeezix collections from Drawn & Quarterly books. The work is amazing and a reminder of the kind of heights that this cartoon medium can reach. The collection of Sunday strips is a particular joy and worth every pretty penny. Check ’em out.


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